Subdivision Approval
Preliminary Subdivision Approval to include:
Supporting documents
General design of subdivision
Public improvements
Steps to include the following:
Application to be filed with Village Clerk (1 Copy) with appropriate fees,
Filing fee is to be $100 for each final plat, plus $50 for each lot in subdivision
Acknowledgement of requirements for preliminary layout (1 Copy),
Public improvement and utilities plan and profile drawings (3 Copies).
9 copies of preliminary layout
Letters to Chairman of Planning Board from utility company and water company stating approval for installation.
Letter to Chairman of Planning Board from the school district where the subdivision is to be located acknowledging the number of residential lots and the availability of facilities for the new pupils
When appropriate, letters directed to the Chairman of the Planning Board, from official relating approving proposed construction on state or county rights-of-way, indicating the permits.
Schedule of lot areas for each lot, measured accurately to the nearest sq. ft. (3 Copies).
When dedication of streets, recharge basins, drainage easements, screen planting easements and/or parks shall be mandated by this Code, the subdivider shall submit in triplicate to the Village Attorney a certification to the Village by an attorney, by a title company, that the individual, partnership or corporations offering dedications, is vested with an unencumbered fee simple title to the land.
Irrevocable offer to dedication of all property and other public improvements, including streets, drainage easements, drainage basins, public parks and screen planting easements (3 Copies).
Filing fee is to be $100 for each final plat, plus $50 for each lot in subdivision
Final plat and supporting drawings and documents must be present at least fifteen days prior to date of meeting
Planning Board shall receive the recommendations of the Superintendent of Highways, the Village Engineer, etc. prior to action
Village Engineer shall prepare performance bond estimate to be submitted along with his recommendations of the final plat (7 Copies)
Planning Board shall advertise a public hearing at least five days prior to hearing date
After public hearing, Planning Board to take formal action and afterward, the subdivider must carry out the following steps prior to obtaining the Chairman’s signature of approval including Covenants & Restrictions:
Corrections satisfactory to Planning Board
Obtain performance bond and general liability insurance to submit to Village Attorney
Submit a cash-deposit certified check
Prepare prints of corrected final plat drawings for Suffolk County records to include the following:
1. 9 paper prints
2. 2 opaque prints
3. 1 tracing print
4. Original drawing and 3 paper prints and original of corrected public improvement and utilities plan and profiles
5. CAD file on disc
Chairman of the Planning Board to sign once received compliance of all requests
Subdivider files 2 prints of approved plat in the Suffolk County Clerk’s office