Zoom Link for BOT Meeting June 9th 2020

Unfortunately we are no longer having the meeting at Village Hall tonight so we will do it via zoom. See below the attached link to attend at 7:30 pm. Christine Cozine is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic:…

Street Sweeping week of June 8th

Currently the Village of The Branch is set up to have the streets swept Monday June 8th weather permitting. Please try to have your cars off the street if possible to aid the sweepers and provide us with a thorough…

Zoom Planning Board Meeting tonight Wednesday May 20th 2020

We will be having our Planning Board Meeting virtually tonight via zoom!! See below to join us.   Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85717027479?pwd=TitCM2YzRzFPUVF2Z09VSS9yTGdkUT09 Meeting ID: 857 1702 7479 Password: 778201 One tap mobile +16465588656,,85717027479#,,1#,778201# US (New York) +13126266799,,85717027479#,,1#,778201# US (Chicago) Dial…

Leaf & Brush Pick up week of May 18th 2020

Leaf & Brush pick up this week May 18th, 2020 Just a friendly reminder, that leaf and brush are being picked up this week. Please make sure all brush items are tied and bundled into 3 ft sections. The contractors have…

Leaf & Brush Pick up this week of April 20th, 2020

Just a friendly reminder today starts the first of three Spring Leaf and Brush pickups scheduled in the Village of The Branch.  Please have your stuff tied and bundled in 3 foot segments and leaf bags placed at the curb….

3/29/20 General Updates Regarding COVID-19

AMID ONGOING COVID-19 PANDEMIC, GOVERNOR CUOMO ANNOUNCES NYS ON PAUSE FUNCTIONS EXTENDED FOR THE NEXT TWO WEEKS The Governor also directed the state nonessential workforce to continue to work from home for an additional two weeks through April 15th. The…

Food Distribution Options During COVID-19

While many schools and businesses are closed during this COVID-19 pandemic, we understand some may be worried about where their next meal will come from. The following are helpful links and information regarding emergency food distribution options and food banks:…