Board of Trustees April 4/14/20 Meeeting is now being held remotely via Zoom. Instructions to follow soon:

Please be advised the BOT meeting scheduled for  Tuesday April 14, 2020 is still being held, but now will be done remotely through Zoom due to Coronavirus and Village Hall being closed to the public. Additional directions will soon follow on how to join us on Zoom. If you should have any questions or concerns, please email the Clerk at

There are two Public Hearings taking place. One is Local Law #2 of 2020 which is the codification of our Code Book and the other is our Fiscal Year Budget for 2020-2021. Attached are the handouts that would have been made available at Village Hall for your review.

Local Law 2 of 2020

Budget FYE May 31, 2021


Please continue to be safe and practice social distancing. Wishing you and your families a Blessed Easter and a Happy Passover.