When is Leaf & Brush Pick up?
There are 3 pickups in the Spring and 3 in the Fall. They are posted on website usually one month prior to the dates and also listed on bi-annual newsletter. Please make sure brush bundles are tied into 3 foot sections. We do not take tree stumps.
When are taxes due?
Taxes are due July 1st of every year and if it happens to fall on the weekend, then they are due the first Monday.
Do you need a permit to cut down a tree?
If you are cutting down more than 1 tree, and if the tree’s diameter is more than 8 inches, then you do need a permit, which can be obtained by the Building Inspector. It’s best to give the Building Inspector a call before doing anything.
What are the setbacks for sheds (temporary accessory bldg.)? Do I need building permit for shed?
If the shed is larger than 144 square feet, a permit must be obtained. Setbacks for Residence A are 5 feet within any rear lot line or side lot line. Residence B setbacks are 2 feet within any rear or side lot line.
What do I do when I get a parking ticket?
Parking tickets are handled through the Court Clerk. On the ticket there is a space to plead either guilty or non-guilty and you check off the appropriate box and mail in the ticket or drop off at Village Hall. Once the Court Clerk receives it, then a letter will be sent to you informing you of your Court date or a receipt of your payment.
What are setbacks for pools?
In residence A the backyard setbacks for pools is 25 feet from the nearest property lines. In Residence B every swimming pool shall be set back at least 20 feet from the side lot line and at least 10 feet from any rear lot line and shall be situated as close to the center of the rear yard of said property as possible.
How do I discard of large items…ie: Mattress, Appliances, Furniture or other bulk items?
This can be done by calling your garbage carrier. The Village is broken into 2 sections. The carrier for section 3 of the map provided by Town of Smithtown is Brothers Waste (631-567-2332.) The carrier for section 8 is Total (631-269-6915)
What is procedure for Board of Zoning Appeals?
Once your building permit has been denied by the Building Inspector, you will receive notification in the mail. It will explain the Code that has been violated and if you want to appeal, then you need to answer 5 questions presented in the letter. You will also need to contact any neighbor or business within 200 feet of your property lines and notify them certified return receipt mail of the upcoming BZA meeting.
Does Village replace or repair damaged curbs?
Curbs are the responsibility of the homeowner.
Who do I notify when streetlight is out?
Our current Trustee John Carro handles all lighting issues
When and where is Village Court?
Village Court is located at 40 Route 111 in the Village Hall. It starts at 6pm and it is always the 4th Monday in every month