Zoom Planning Board Meeting tonight Wednesday May 20th 2020

We will be having our Planning Board Meeting virtually tonight via zoom!! See below to join us.   Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85717027479?pwd=TitCM2YzRzFPUVF2Z09VSS9yTGdkUT09 Meeting ID: 857 1702 7479 Password: 778201 One tap mobile +16465588656,,85717027479#,,1#,778201# US (New York) +13126266799,,85717027479#,,1#,778201# US (Chicago) Dial…

Leaf & Brush Pick up week of May 18th 2020

Leaf & Brush pick up this week May 18th, 2020 Just a friendly reminder, that leaf and brush are being picked up this week. Please make sure all brush items are tied and bundled into 3 ft sections. The contractors have…

Board of Trustees Meeting 5/12/20 – Virtual meeting via Zoom

Due to safety concerns, the Village Board has agreed to hold May 12,2020 Board of Trustees meeting virtually through Zoom. If you have any questions or comments, please email the Village Clerk at villageofbranch@optonline.net by Noon on Tuesday.  Below is…